

Proyecto 'ace: 'ACE NITE

As promised, photos from 'ACE NITE, the final exhibit/open studio we held during our final week at Proyecto 'ace to share the work produced by all four resident artists during our three week residencies. 

Here's a panorama of "The Tower" studio I worked in all month, cleaned up with work on view!
And more work done during my stay: 
The four resident artists: me, Amanda Millet-Sorsa (USA), Marcia de Moraes (Brazil), & Eduardo Eloy (Brazil) in front of Marcia's beautiful drawing.
A few prints by Eduardo Eloy:
A mixed media mural intervention by Amanda Millet-Sorsa:
The three amigos, Santi, Felipe, & German. Hah!
Me with the wonderful Marcia!
 Me with my roommate of 3 weeks Amanda!

More photos can also be found on our 'ace profile pages. 
And that's it! I am really grateful for the experience, all the connections & friends made, as well as my friends & supporters from Kickstarter who made it possible for me to do this! Now that I'm back in the states my next focus will be organizing & shipping all the postcards, souvenirs, & artwork to all who contributed!

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